Close to 400 diagnostic and digital health solutions to fight COVID-19, how we do select the right one?


We are continuing our work towards creating an understanding of the available diagnostic and digital solutions to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our focus is still to identify the existing solutions to shortly shift towards analyzing how we can understand which the best options are to promote.

We are in the process to find people and organizations that can help in this process. We are currently looking for:

  • Diagnostic company who can help classify and create matrix of how to assess the value of different solutions
  • People/organizations skilled in communication
  • Scientific experts to contribute to the upcoming “virtual conference”
  • Funding to support this initiative.

We hope to soon launch a virtual conference with experts to discuss the current status of the different solutions in order to help clarity in this complex situation.

If you can support in any of this, please contact us.