Working together to focus on Outcomes That Matter in chronic diseases

While working with the project about drivers and conditions for chronic diseases in primary care, we have observed that there are structural barriers in funding and governance that prevents the implementation of measures that can improve the healthcare. Furthermore, there is a lack of monitoring to create an understanding of relevant health outcomes and economics in relation to the specific diseases. From prior research we have also identified that there are really no requirements of evidence or relevant outcomes in the tenders of heart failure solutions.

We see a need to jointly work together to understand which improvement measures that create the desired effect and to engage the political stakeholders to actively remove the barriers to accomplish these improvements.

We have a dream to initiate virtual meetings dedicated to chronic disease to discuss:

  • What are the Outcomes That Matter, beyond the traditional process parameters?
  • Case studies of improvement projects:
    • What has been the ability to impact Outcomes That Matter? This includes overall financial impact as well as relevant health outcomes to patients.
    • What, if any barriers are there to implement the identified improvement in full scale in the region of question or in other regions.
  • Round table discussion with leaders in healthcare and politician about the relevance of the improvement and the required actions to address the barriers.

We hope that we will have the opportunity to start the first discussion in Heart Failure.